Friday, August 8, 2008

Jokes Collection

Di dalam buku The 100 Simple Secrets Of Happy People ada mengatakan "Don't spend your time evaluating humour, asking yourself, 'Is it really funny?' or 'Do others think it's funny?' Just react and enjoy it!"

Walaupun tanpa gelak tawa, kadangkala sebuah senyuman sudah memadai untuk mengubah mood kita kepada mood yang lebih ceria. Di sini saya ingin mengongsikan beberapa himpunan English Jokes yang ada dalam simpanan saya. Saya harap anda semua terhibur .

John married Mary and they have eight children altogether. After a few years, John realized that one of his eight children have different face from the others. Curious, John asked Mary.
"Please tell me if one of our eight children, Steve has a different father.."

Mary finally confessed. "Yesss..Steve has a different father"
"Who is his father?" asked John.

A blonde walks into a library.
"Excuse me, can I have a burger and large fries please?" she demands.
Tutting, the librarian looks back at her.
"Miss.." he says. "This is a library."
The blonde leans over the counter.
"Owh..I'm sorry. Can I have a burger and large fries please." she whispers.

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